

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

11 Foods for Beautiful Skin

IN maintain softness, smoothness and brightness of skin, the food in your kitchen is as important as skin care creams you use.
"Good nutrition is the basis for healthy skin," said the Miami dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD, as quoted site. A natural ingredient in food, he explained, helped conduct a variety of things including speeding exfoliation of the skin to protect skin from UV damage, the cause of black spots and wrinkles.

Here are some foods that can help to get healthy and beautiful skin of your dreams:

Six lettuce contains 100 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement. This vitamin works rejuvenate the skin by increasing cell turnover. In addition, the potassium content in lettuce also adds nutrients to the skin and increase the intake of oxygen by improving blood flow.

the study found that participants who ate five tablespoons of lycopene-rich tomato paste every day for three months have 25 percent more protection against sun exposure. In addition, these foods make your skin has more collagen, which prevents sagging skin. In addition, researchers from Germany found, the skin contains more antioxidant lycopene have a lower risk of fine lines and furrows.

A cup of strawberries provides 130 percent of vitamin C, powerful antioxidants that enhance the production of collagen fibers. Collagen helps keep skin firm and smooth. In addition, the more vitamin C means the fewer the lines that appear on the skin. Women with low intake of vitamin C tend to have dry and wrinkled skin. Preliminary research shows that ellagic acid, an antioxidant that many contained in strawberries, protecting the elasticity of the fiber so as to prevent sagging skin.

Quercetin, an antioxidant that many contained in the apple skin, protects skin from exposure to UVB rays, which lead to skin cancer.

A study found, fine wrinkles and skin firmness increased after the woman aged in their 30s and late 40s eat foods rich in soy is flavones known as aglycone.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are contained in the eggs, work to prevent damage from UV rays. UV light triggers the formation of fine lines, brown spots, and skin cancer. In addition, these components make the skin softer, faster, and moist.

"Eating a handful of almonds a day can raise levels of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidant in maintaining healthy skin," said Baumann. This vitamin helps moisturize the skin, thus preventing dry skin.

One type of nut is very rich in aglycone, omega-3 fatty acids, a key component for maintaining skin moisture and suppleness.
Powdered chocolate or dark chocolate
a study found that women who drank half a cup of chocolate a day have a more radiant skin. These foods serve to increase blood flow. Another study found that women who drank half a glass of falconoid-rich chocolate every day for 12 weeks had a more smooth skin, soft and moist.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
a study found that these healthy fats contain essential fatty acids that help skin resist damage from UV rays.

Whole grains
Bread, pasta, and whole grain cereals rich in antioxidants, which are key to skin health and beauty. "Levels of the body's natural antioxidants decreases with age, so it's good to add through diet," says Lisa Drayer, RD.

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